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Fundraising Events

A twice yearly QuizNight Supper that includes a fresh fish & chips served up during the halfway interval. This event is always a fully booked and is greatly enjoyed by all.

The recent addition of the Bar Room which interconnect to the hall has vastly improved the whole atmosphere of the night.


The Pensioners' Party organised by The Pumpkin Club

The Pumpkin Club has been going for more than 55 years and is an integral part of village life. We raise money through our events and through membership fees (a mere £3.50 per person or £7 per family per annum) to support village projects and finance the Pensioners’ Party. These have included providing and maintaining the defibrillator outside the Village Hall, helping finance the new village website, small grants towards the Christmas lights outside the Fox, and the village library boxes to name a few.

If you would like to find out more about the Pumpkin Club, would like to join or be involved as a volunteer, please contact Vanessa Cole on 07748 621486 or email

Hope to see you at one of our events.  Please click on the image below to go to the website.

55th Pumpkin Show 2019.002.jpeg

Pirton Players

Pirton Players is a buzzing amateur dramatic society based around the North Hertfordshire village of Pirton. With more than 120 members (from within and outside the village) and a commitment to present 2 to 3 shows a year, the group can proudly claim to be a thriving community hub.

A scene from Made in Dageham.

 For further information about Pirton Players, please click on the icon below. 

© The Pirton Village Hall Committee 2021

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Pirton Village Hall Charity Number 302444

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